Hello all, I am Alexandra, the founder of AFRG CLUB. I moved to London in the summer of 2022. Now, almost two years later, I am ready to share my top 10 little nuggets of wisdom for attending events solo.

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  1. Confidence isn’t everything. Although I consider myself a seasoned professional, having attended hundreds of events, including workshops, presentations, and activity days; the truth is, we are ALL in the same boat. I mean that honestly, I still give myself a pep talk before going it solo, standing in front of the mirror and telling myself why this could be a great opportunity to connect with others even if I don’t feel up to it.

    The answer? Be courageous, fearless, and believe you’re worthy of sitting at any table you want, and if you don’t belong, what stops you from creating your own table / event / community? (AFRG CLUB was dreamt out of my vision to include everyone and provide opportunities for growth across all personalities).

  2. Start small. Strike up a conversation with one person in the industry if that is ALL you feel comfortable with at the first event. Same applies to your second, third, fourth or however many events it takes, connect with one person, be present, and remain in the moment.

  3. This leads me onto my next point, always go with your GUT. Don’t push yourself to do too much too soon. Just because you attended two events last week, doesn’t mean you need to attend three events the next week and push your limits. Respect your own boundaries, and learn what is worth your time vs what can be savoured for another day. Networking at events will take much of your social battery, you will want to recharge as much as possible. Remember to align with your thoughts, mind and body.

  4. Introverts CAN have it all! Before moving to London, I never really went to networking events, and didn’t really mind being the quiet one just listening to conversations and absorbing my environment. I still do that now, it’s my way of acknowledging others, through active listening. BUT… I also introduce myself, strike up a conversation with someone I am sat next to, invite others into my space, and navigate the room. Some of my most cherished connections are people I have met and socialised with. At this point, my body tells me when it’s time to go home, and boy do I listen! (re-read point 3).

  5. When one door closes, another opens. I believe in the timing of everything, some events and networking opportunities might feel right but the stars just don’t align. I can’t count the times I have gotten stuck on London underground waiting for the next available tube, or finished work late, or had a personal matter that has limited my availability to attend an event. DON’T panic. If I can’t make an event, I sometimes go a step further and connect with the organisers on LinkedIn, or reach out directly through email to engage conversation that way, and it allows me to stay in the loop for the future.

  6. FREE is the key. There are countless events displayed on ticketing apps such as Eventbrite, which I strongly encourage everyone to download and start browsing. I opt for keywords such as ‘retail’, ‘fashion’, ‘technology’, ‘AI’, and ‘cyber security’ to preempt my social calendar on a monthly basis - this also informs AFRG CLUB as well.

  7. Inside event revenues, while drinks are ultimately flowing, canapés can be SOMEWHAT sparse, therefore I would recommend opting for a light snack beforehand to avoid disappointment. Our brains need food to function and retain information.

  8. YOUR network is your net worth. This is so true for anyone looking to financially benefit from the connections they make. I would avoid the topic of money at events, but having a strategy in place if needed depends on who is attending, and the value this might bring to you and your business can go a long way.

  9. Sharing is caring. Don’t be AFRAID to offer your assistance and guidance to others where needed. This means not gatekeeping useful information. If you hear a group discussing a topic that aligns with your expertise and knowledge, join the conversation and add value where possible.

  10. This one is for the organisers out there, including myself. Networking can be broken down by goal setting and planning. This is similar to being strategic about who you talk to and spend your time with. If you want to write down what you hope to achieve at events, and track the outcome to see areas for improvement, there is no harm in this.

    My advice overall? Just go for it, be fearless, remove judgement, have fun, let your hair down and most importantly enjoy it. We only get one shot at life, networking can open doors you can only dream of, and put you years ahead in your pathway, whatever that might be so don’t miss out!


