It all started when I attended University to take my Bachelors degree in ‘Criminology’. I have always been curious about humans and how we think / do what we do. During this time, I was also working as a waitress for many years. I think part of the entrepreneurship spirit is to always be looking for ways to innovate and try something new. Take the road less travelled.

I went on to study ‘Criminology’ at a second University, ultimately gaining my Master’s degree, and falling in love with cyber security. 

One of the first things I learnt about cyber security and cyber crime combined was the dark web. For anyone who isn't familiar with the dark web, it is a decentralised part of the internet that can be accessed via the TOR browser and offers anonymity to users wanting to purchase illegal goods and services. For me, looking back as a young student studying a ‘cyber criminology’ module and learning about the dark web was so exciting, I ended up writing a report about the Silk Road marketplace created by Ross Ulbricht. I was completely fascinated by the journey this person took and watched countless documentaries taking a deep dive into what is still considered today as one of the most illicit marketplaces to ever have been created on the dark web, for the purpose of selling illegal goods and services to users.

Today, I am humbled to be a threat intelligence analyst, a branch of cyber security that involves strategically analysing data, industry trends and collating findings for clients. 

The unique perspectives, skills, and dedication to fulfil my working duties would never of been made possible without having to juggle my own life during studying and working in the hospitality sector. 

These skills have also enabled me to create AFRG CLUB, a community build on ideas, new perspectives, discussions and networking among talents individuals to get conversations flowing about retail, fashion and technology. 

In terms of cyber security impacting retail, fashion, and consumer goods, I’m excited and proud to see organisations taking consumer safety more seriously. The NCSC recently introduced the ‘Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act’ enabling consumers to identify and purchase smart devices designed to provide protection against cyber attacks, requiring manufacturers to not supply products with default passwords, and retailers asked to hand out leaflets to inform their customers.


As I reflect on my journey, I encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace opportunities and surround themselves with a supportive network. Together,we can overcome challenges, seize possibilities, and make a lasting impact.

My Top 5 Tips for entering the cyber field:

Be persistent and never give up, beginnings are always the most challenging, I should know, it took me a lot of interviews to land my first role. But I never gave in, and took all the feedback on the chin, correcting myself before diving into the recruitment pool.

Understand which area of cyber security you want to be a part of. Cyber security is a broad term, with many teams branching off, including threat intelligence which is the category I fall under. Doing your due diligence and research into careers can be useful, and checking out senior members' experience to identify interests. 


Don’t underestimate the power of networking and connecting on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. I have met so many people in the last few years being in London, and avidly attend events to talk about real-world issues and find solutions.


Don’t be afraid to reach out to working professionals in the field, as always try not to ask about jobs available straight off the bat, but showing a keen interest in their craft, and asking for advice / mentorship can be quite refreshing. I love to speak with those just entering the industry and helping where I can. I am always free for a virtual zoom or in-person coffee for anyone willing.


This leads me onto my next point…never forget where you started, cyber security is a long game and a game changer full of career opportunities just waiting to be explored.
